Hmmm... It would seem that most people aren't too happy with the fact that we aren't the actual "WeLoveYouPg"... whoop de doo, yup, thats right....We're not the "Unknown" girl that wrote about Pleasant Grove while actually attending another school (lone peak). Congrats... although... she actually did have a really good idea with the original blog, so what if we're copying it? Everyone copies everyone else. In fact, its called conformity, and it's a really popular thing in America.
Dillion- We didn't "slam" on you in the first place, we actually didn't want to "slam" on anyone, just start the season of with a couple funny jokes about PG's sports programs. Lets start out with the minor stuff and work our way up shall we?....
Early this year, Dillion Hutchins tried out for the most successful sports program in our entire school. Wrestling. It was bad enough that you were the joke of the wrestling team Dillon. What shape were you trying to get into? I'm not exactly sure if there's even a shape for that. You'll know exactly what we're talking about if you've seen Dillon with his shirt have. we have.. And using Wrestling as an excuse to get ready for the LAX season? Really? You mean the entire 5 minutes of playing time you get in JV games? Mikey Hassen does better than that. That's a really successful high school sporting career, Way to pull that all off.....
And speaking of pulling things off, Anybody hear about Dillion and ___? Apparently, _____ and Dillon went on a date and Dillon decided that his penis was more important then his already diminished respect for decent, non-slutty, girls. When he started to get a little...frisky... and "pull off" ____ shirt, she shut him down completely, and ended things right there. That was the end of that relationship. Good job Dillon, way to ruin things with one of the only nice girls that you haven't corrupted yet.
Continuing on with Dillon's little... escapades of corrupting girls, and trying to get as much "necking and petting" out of them before he cuts all ties with them completely. Most of the girls were pretty cool, one of them had a full ride for soccer. And as for the other 7 girls...we won't mention their names at this time. In fact, the only reason you ever got involved with this blog in the first place is to defend the girl you dated for 2 years. But it's okay, we'd defend any girl too if it meant getting some physical benefits, and we think you (and half the school) knows what we mean by "physical benfits". We're being rather considerate by not saying any further details....
Not to mention... all the weed you hazzle down every day. We're sure everyone that's ever gone out to the parking lot during class time have seen you and all your pals flying high out in your car. Many of you have noticed Pleasant Groves new parking attendant checking on everyone's cars and giving out tickets. You can thanks Dillon's weed smoking habits for that. and we're positive all of this stuff makes you totally worthy to baptize your little brother. We bet you feel good about that... We also really hope they "call you on a mission".Well... "slam me again, do your worst". We did Dillon. Try and come back with something that we've done worse. None of those stupid empty bullying threats work at all, everyone knows that even James Barton could probably kick your A$$. And don't try to deny any of this, the whole school knows it's true. Ah well, at least your living it up unlike many High School students here in little.. Happy Utah Valley. After all, we are friends... you just don't know who.
Now... for the rest of Pleasant Grove. We really do love you. You ask for some REAL gossip? Well you'll get plenty later this week. We're done with endless bashing of each other. Send us some emails of real interest.